Make Your Hard-Won Experience Work Harder for You

You’ve spent years — maybe even decades—building a career. You know your field inside and out. But now, as you build up your freelance writing business, you’re realizing something: being great at what you do isn’t the same as running a business.

That’s where I come in!

Hi, I’m Sarah! As a freelance writing business coach, I use my 12+ years as a top writer and high earner in the freelance writing space to help you “career switch” into freelance writing without under-charging, making prospecting mistakes that derail you, or second-guessing yourself constantly.

I began my career as a high school English teacher, and over the past decade I learned every entrepreneurial lesson the hard way. That’s why I’m so passionate about helping professionals like you transition from niched careers into freelancing with confidence.

You don’t need another writing course or a list of generic gig platforms — you need a roadmap for running a successful business that puts your specific experience to work for you.

From pricing your work to finding great clients, negotiating fees and projects, and making freelancing sustainable (and dare I say pleasurable??), I’ll show you the skills no one teaches employees — but every freelancer needs.

“Six months before getting in touch with Sarah, I had been laid off from a job I loved. I started freelancing to pay my bills, and before I knew it the business snowballed into an (on paper) successful, well-earning freelance practice. Behind the scenes, I was knackered, working all hours, and had no idea what I actually wanted my business to look like – or even what success meant to me.

Working with Sarah, I feel much more confident in literally everything: my processes, my pricing, my decisions, how I handle difficult situations…everything just feels ‘leveled up’ from before, which is better for my clients and better for me!

➜ My outreach and prospecting has gone from haphazard to a clearly defined process implemented into every single day.

➜ I’ve figured out a pricing system that works for me, which has kept my earnings relatively consistent while reducing the hours I work.

  ➜I’ve also learnt when to say no and when to walk away from a prospect, which has always been something I’ve struggled with.

I’m also a lot less stressed (not working all hours does wonders 😉 ) and feel a lot clearer on what I want my business to be, and what my measures of success are.

As someone who has always loved having colleagues/a manager, and never planned to work alone, having someone to bounce ideas off and sense check has been invaluable to my general sense of well-being, too.”

Annabel Beales


Freelancing doesn’t have to feel like starting from scratch.

You already have the expertise — I can help you quickly pick up the knowledge you need to build a business around it.

Here are the kinds of things we work on together in our 1:1 coaching sessions:

🥝 How to price your services confidently (and avoid undercharging for your hard-won experience)

🥝 How to find and attract high-quality clients without wasting time on job boards and content mills

🥝 How to craft a LinkedIn profile and online presence that gives you credit for your experience (without feeling cringey or braggy).

🥝 How to position, discuss, and sell your work naturally without feeling awkward or pushy

🥝 How to set up editorial processes and business systems that make your business run smoothly

🥝 How to learn new marketing content formats like thought leadership, ghostwriting, case studies, white papers, study reports, and more so you can always level up and serve your clients

🥝How to build a sustainable freelance career without burnout so you have a real life outside of the work you love doing for your clients!

"When I first started with Sarah, I was barely getting by financially. And more importantly, I was unhappy with the work I was doing every day.

Today, I have a thriving content marketing consultancy in my preferred niche that allows me to use my years of corporate experience and knowledge.

"Because of Sarah's mentorship, I have my dream business. This is not hyperbole. In just one year, I've completely changed the way I operate, the services I provide, and my plans for the future."
Jen Nieto

Running a freelance writing business never really “calms down.”

The dream is being well-compensated for your experience, having control over your time, and fitting your business in around your life — not the other way around.

But the reality of jumping into the deep end and trying to be an entrepreneur all of a sudden?

🥝 Your schedule is packed, and there’s never enough time.

🥝 Clients expect quick turnarounds, and you feel guilty saying no.

🥝 You’re juggling work, family, and life — but you always come last.

🥝 Everyone talks about “simplifying,” but you can’t figure out how.

Here’s the truth no one tells you: You can’t simplify freelancing.

You can only make yourself stronger and more qualified to run your business.

Stronger decision-making (so you stop wasting time on low-paying work)
Stronger boundaries (so you create space for the life you actually want)
More efficiency (so your business doesn’t run you into the ground)
More confidence (so you stop overthinking and start owning your success)

I help you do that by working with you 1:1 and sharing my library of specific, practical, and actionable resources with you about the writing and business side of freelance writing.

“I was (unhappily) working in B2C and struggling to find quality clients aligned with my former career and skill set. I had steady clients, but it wasn’t easy to get them to understand the value of the work I was producing and move towards retainer/project pricing instead of hourly.
 I was stuck working with “content mill”-type agencies who wanted a lot of often meaningless content for a low price. I knew I wanted to shift into my government niche to leverage my years of experience and education, but I wasn’t sure if there would be a market for my services. I was incredibly discouraged and worried about making copywriting profitable.

From the start, Sarah helped me reimagine my copywriting business and how I positioned myself as a professional copywriter. From revamping my website to positioning myself on LinkedIn, my business looks and feels completely different after working with her. I’m confident in myself, my services, and my ability to provide the right services to the right people. 


When I started working with Sarah, I was worried about ending relationships with clients who were not a good fit simply because I needed the money. Instead of saying ‘yes’ to any and all work, I learned how to say yes only to the work I like, which inevitably helped me build a strong portfolio and a good reputation in my niche. Sarah knows the right questions to ask to make me think through the next steps. Her advice on navigating delicate client relationships, requests, and workload has made me a more confident business owner overall. I’ve learned how to set boundaries as a business owner and even how to handle the doubts and fears that inevitably crop up as a solopreneur.

Jen Nieto


"I was stuck on knowing how to get better clients. I also had a lot of mindset issues around my value and how what I do matters to the people I do it for. I've worked with Sarah in the past and she helped me SOOOO much then that I wanted to do it again. Now I'm catching the negative self-talk that sabotages my progress more often than not these days and am being proactive in dissecting it."
Holly Hughes-Barnes
Construction and Home Services Marketing and Copywriting
"I'd been making $100k+ the last few years and had a solid niche. But I still felt somewhat directionless and feeling increasingly burnt out. By all measures, I was 'a success' but I was the last one to feel that and act like the successful expert I am! Sarah gave me way more clarity on what I offer and who I want to work with, which helped me get on the right path. Instead of feeling so lost, now I have a compass and a map. She also helped with a major mental block I had on LinkedIn, and I've been posting consistently on there for the first time in years."
Liz Froment
Financial Services Marketer and Writer
"I was on LinkedIn, and I saw that Sarah had posted this really cool matrix about setting rates and what qualities make it possible to command higher rates. She just laid it out in a way that made so much sense to me. I love freelancing. I love running my own business, but it can be isolating compared to having a [regular] job. It feels so amazing to know that there's someone that I can ask about tricky problems.
Strawberry Neville
Law Marketing and Legal Tech Writer

Can I help you?

Here’s just a sample list of industries and experience I’ve helped writers turn into high-income B2B writing niches:
















The "Quality of Life" Guarantee

I help people earn high incomes from freelance writing, some hitting their first $10K USD months with me. But you won’t see huge dollar signs pasted all over this page, because the most important measure of success to me is your quality of life: more time to rest, more time with family, less stress, and more certainty — and a long, healthy freelancing career.

Make Your Hard-Won Experience Work Harder for You

Take a shortcut to building up your freelance writing business — work with me privately to create a clear and precise roadmap for running YOUR successful business.

You’ll get access to ALL of my writing and business trainings, a private Slack group with other experienced, highly-niched writers, and 1:1 time and unlimited DMs with me to chart your course.

From pricing your work to finding great clients, negotiating fees and projects, and making freelancing sustainable (and dare I say pleasurable??), I’ll show you the skills no one teaches employees — but every freelancer needs.