Want to feel AWESOME about writing and business?
I’ve been doing this for a decade and I’ve helped 1000s of writers shake it off and enjoy their work more (and get PAID more!)
Sign up here and I’ll send you a fast-read eBook called “Writing Skills That Pay the Bills,” where I share the three most important principles behind my high-income freelance writing career.
This will help you if…
- You are already freelancing and want to level up
- You’re employed full-time and you want to create an exit plan
- You’re newly retired and want to pick up new skills on the side
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Here are the kind of insights you can look forward to:
“I’ve been writing professionally for nearly 25 years… and you may have just revolutionized my writing process with the idea in this email. Can’t wait to try this.”

“I’ve learned a lot more about what my client’s customers need from content and how to bring that up in conversations with clients. I feel like I’ve leveled up in terms of the value of my content.”

“Your content helped me rework my mindset, overcome fears, step out with confidence. I just got off a Zoom call with a CEO who is now a paying client, my first since I moved into B2B. Thank you.”