From the start, Sarah helped me reimagine my copywriting business and how I positioned myself as a professional copywriter. From revamping my website to positioning myself on LinkedIn, my business looks and feels completely different after working with her. I’m confident in myself, my services, and my ability to provide the right services to the right people.
When I started working with Sarah, I was worried about ending relationships with clients who were not a good fit simply because I needed the money. Instead of saying ‘yes’ to any and all work, I learned how to say yes only to the work I like, which inevitably helped me build a strong portfolio and a good reputation in my niche. Sarah knows the right questions to ask to make me think through the next steps. Her advice on navigating delicate client relationships, requests, and workload has made me a more confident business owner overall. I’ve learned how to set boundaries as a business owner and even how to handle the doubts and fears that inevitably crop up as a solopreneur.