For all the long nights I’ve put into client work, professional development, and sitting at a computer, there’s only one thing that’s come close to taking me down, despite all my enthusiasm for digital marketing and B2B writing.
That thing is the emotional strength it requires to execute a less-than-perfect-plan in an less-than-perfect-world.
On the surface, it might seem like the cost of achieving big things, or making big changes, is the hard work that goes into them. The long nights, the sacrifices, the blood, sweat, and tears (cue the trumpets).
But lately, it’s become clear that the price of progress is more emotional and mental than physical.
Here’s what you don’t see until you get there: doing big, long-term things, requires small, short-term choices… but you have to work through those little things with the big things just out of reach, waiting to be done.
It’s incredibly uncomfortable to leave an email unanswered in my inbox because it didn’t make it into a day’s top five priorities.
It is physically painful to go slower and lower with student support and course development for B2BWI, because I still handle a full plate of client work.
Let’s not even get started on the two amazing B2B Craftworks interviews I’m sitting on, with people I respect, simply because podcast editing cannot fit into the cracks of my life right now with two toddlers waiting for me at home.
But if I’ve built up any muscles in the past seven years of entrepreneurship, it’s the ability to keep going even with this high price being charged every day. I know I’m willing to pay it.