The end of the year is filled with family and cultural rituals and traditions for me.
On the family side, it’s cookie decorating parties and Advent calendars.
On the work side, it’s the “end of Q4 rush” when content urgently needs to be done by Dec 15th or so if it’s going to be edited, designed, and live before the end of the year.
This year, I’m also thinking about rituals and traditions I have in the way I think about things.
(Probably a result of the intense mindset work I’m doing with Linda Perry).
And the really cool thing I’ve learned in 2020 is that I actually have a lot of choice about how I feel about things and how I respond to them.
The most pervasive example of this is time scarcity: I always feel pressed for time and under the gun, especially on days like today.
My family’s needs made me late to work. I have a few short 30-minute windows in between multiple client calls. And my family needs require me to end my day early.
In the past, that kind of thing would freeze me up and make it hard to breathe. My performance on those calls would suffer, too.
But today, I can rally. I can ask myself what’s possible in these short time blocks. And with a light heart, I can do all that’s possible and leave it at that.
It’s a new ritual.